Harjinder Singh Dhanjal

Profile Summary

Key Domain and Technical Knowledge

Academic Qualification

Certifications / Professional Awards

Niche IAM/Security Solutions Highlights

International Publications/Research Papers


Publisher | ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Publication Date | NOV 2013


Publisher | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology
Publication Date | APR 2013

Projects Undertaken

Project Name | IAM Professional Services

Client | PwC, Canada
Project Description | Project & Consultancy Assignments to migrate SiteMinder based apps (across Globe – US, UK, Canada, APAC) to OpenAM Solution.
Role | Senior Technology Architect
Duration | November 2018 – Till date

Project Name | IAM Professional Services

Client | ABN AMRO, AGCO & Across Clients
Project Description | Project & Consultancy Assignments to develop Custom Solutions for IDAM Tools and providing Over all Architect/Design consultation for various Infosys IDAM Projects – across GIGYA, Auth0, Okta, Siteminder.
Role | Senior Technology Architect
Duration | December 2016 – Till date

Project Name | CyberArk Professional Services

Client | Coca-Cola, USA
Project Description | Project aims to develop Custom Connector and Platform development for Third-party Products
Role | Senior Technology Architect
Duration | July 2015– December 2016

Project Name | IAM Professional Services

Client | Toyota Financial Services, USA
Project Description | Project aims to develop/support/design CA SiteMinder, CA Directory Infrastructure
Role | Technology Architect
Duration | January 2014– June 2015

Project Name | IDM Sustenance

Client | CA Technologies
Project Description | Project aims to fix and perform minor in various Components like UI, Core, Installer, and Extension Tools (This includes resolution of some tricky ISSUES in areas like Adobe Flex, JavaScript, Install Anywhere, and Browser Compatibility).
Role | Technology Architect
Duration | June 2013– December 2013

Project Name | Siteminder Professional Service/Implementation

Project Description | Project aims to develop Custom SiteMinder Solutions and Support.
Role | Technology Architect
Duration | January 2012– June 2013

Project Name | Siteminder Development

Client | CA Technologies
Project Description | Siteminder is a centralized Web access management system that enables user authentication and single sign-on, authentication management, policy-based authorization, identity federation and auditing of access to Web applications and portals.
Role | Technology Lead
Duration | January 2008 – January 2012

Project Name | Network Monitoring/Replay System

Project Description | Network monitoring system is capable of handling small to mid-tier communications service providers. This system can monitor SS7, IP, GPRS and UMTS networks. For meeting the needs of telecom service providers with large networks consisting of SS7, IP, GPRS and UMTS networks elements, this platform needs to be robust and scalable with high availability. This project has many components and is being developed multi-site. ARICENT is involved in designing and development of the multiple iterations of few components of this project.
Role | Senior Software Engineer
Responsibilities |
Responsible for handling the implementation independently for this track and resolved team issues working on other tracks.
Interaction with onsite coordinator on regular basis for getting better clarity on the connectors to be developed.
Provided trainings to the new joining in the team and supporting them during implementation and testing.
Devised an algorithm for merging of Rx & Tx streams at TCP Level.
Duration | May 2005– December 2007

Project Name | Interception and Reconstruction of Application Protocols

Company | Clear-Trail Technologies, INDIA
Project Description | This software is capable of quick, efficient and accurate traffic replay and analysis of various protocols HTTP, SMTP, Yahoo, MSN etc., across thousands of network connections. It basically reconstructs (reverse-engineering) the actual data from raw IP packets captured over physical link, and facilitates the user to apply intelligence over reconstructed data by using filtering mechanisms.
Role | Software Engineer
Duration | May 2005 – May 2006

Project Name | C++ Server Framework

Company | EffectSoft, INDIA
Project Description | It’s a multiplexed TCP/IP Server framework for flexible multi-user internet servers. Events (such as accepting a new connection, receiving data) are notified to user-defined handlers that can be replaced dynamically at run-time.
Role | Software Engineer
Duration | February 2005 – May 2005

Project Name | FIX Server

Company | EffectSoft, INDIA
Project Description | FIX Server is a server used by KMEFIC (Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment Company) to place orders at US market. This is basically a gateway server which converts the requests in KMEFIC’s proprietary messaging protocol to FIX (Financial Information Exchange - It is a standard protocol for performing financial transactions) protocol and vice versa. The FIX messaging part is handled using the open source quickfix library.
Role | Software Engineer
Duration | August 2004 – January 2005

Project Name | KATS Client C++

Company | EffectSoft, INDIA
Project Description | KATS Client (Real Time) is used by Brokers to place orders at Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). This Application was initially developed using GUPTA SQL Windows & VC1.1 on WIN3.1 Platform and was using COM Ports for communication with KATS (Kuwait Automated Trading Server). Now this application is being ported to VC++ and WIN2K using TCP/IP Connection.
Role | Software Engineer
Duration | August 2003 – July 2004

Project Name | MCPM (Multi - Config Profile Manager)

Company | EffectSoft, INDIA
Project Description | MCPM managing various Personalized windows settings for user. MCPM implements the concept of profile; each profile contains number of components, whereas various windows settings are organized into components. MCPM enables user to easily switch between different Networks/Systems. MCPM allows the users to manage settings such as TCP/IP, Proxy, and Bookmarks all at single place.
Role | Software Engineer
Duration | April 2003 – July 2003